Wednesday, June 16

I'm back from Japan.(: On the scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 5.5. It wasn't that good. Most of the time was spent in the coach. Thus, the rating.

I missed SUHAILAH quite a lot. We haven't been contacting or talking. Her blog is also lock. So, I totally have no idea what's she up to. But, I hope our friendship still last super long, better forever. And yeah, I hope we're still as tight as ever!

We have this connection between us that I rarely have with anyone. So, of course, losing people like that makes me super devastated and lost. It feels like a part of me is missing, lost.

Well, I MISS YOU BABE!(: I hope your reading this post! I mean it 1000000%.


Thursday, June 3

Love. What the hell is it and why is it always following me?

Today's random topic. Yes, it's LOVE. The first thing that comes to your mind is probably girl and boy relationship. But, it comes in many forms. Love doesn't need to come from human beings sometimes, it can come from animals or something you are passionate about.

Love is something that is speacial.

But whatever it is, love to me is something like taking risk. You know you might not end well, yet you still go for it given the unseen circumstances. You bother to give a 100% because you have faith in love itself. Love doesn't come knocking on the door and so, people search for it. Trust is the exact meaning of Love to me. Without it, people die.

That is why God gives us our partners to live together and to worship Him. God doesn't want us to be lonely either. He wants us to be happy with someone.

Trust. Just like Love. You trust someone, even though you do not see the circumstances. That is how we live happily. Obviously, there are people who can't trust at all. This people are afraid, to what I think, that they might get betrayed. But, doesn't everyone have that kind of thinking somewhere in their mind too? Naturally, people still get married and live happily together. Isn't that already an example that not everyone is a betrayer and trust can still be happening?

Well, that's just me.
I hate getting headaches. I seem to have it everytime I get off the sofa from watching television. I think I may have fried my brain. Yucks, ew.

I watched this plastic surgery show this morning. It was quite gruesome. It's about 3 woman who undergo at least 3 surgeries till they are satisfied with their body size and shape. They had to suck the fats out, cute out extra skin and tighten it and they did boobs implant and lifts. I saw the surgery, they show it and I was like, it hurts to be beautiful. I guess there are good advantages about doing stuff like that. It gives people more self-esteem, confidence. That's good?

But still, I think the healthiest way is to lose weight by excersing and controlling our diet even if it sometimes, kills you because you are tired and all you want to do it fill the grumbling tummy.

OH and lose weight slowly, if it's too fast, your skin would have a hard time tighting up and then you'll have stretched marks because of the droopy remaning skin. That would look very awful if you didn't do so, especially wearing a bikini suit.

Nonetheless, confidence is mostly the reason why people can walk out with heads held high and making people turn their heads even if they weight 100kg. Confidence. Which I don't really have? I have no idea.

Random topic.(: