Sunday, March 14

Oh boy, inside it's all pain pain pain. Argh, I hate it when you like someone and they don't like you back. Sometimes, I just wish I'm a block, that doesn't feel anything, that's great.

Yesterday was Amy birthday. Hari didn't gave the pathetic birthday card I made. Don't blame me for the card, it was eleven in the night, dead and sleeeeeepy.

The venue was at East Coast Park. Than, it rained. Barbeque was delayed but the boys still went to the sea and play. At first, I didn't but I was SO bored and the girls went too, I decided to join in.

I didn't regret and yes, I made new friends with the Nepalese guys. They are quite sweet and adorable, nice to talk to also. (:

Oh, in the sea, we swim really deeep, I couldn't quite reach so I grab hold on the guy's shoulders. We played truth and dare, quite pathetic somehow, cause all the dare was almost the same. LOL!

Than, Hari said there's some glass and we quickly moved. But, something pierced into my feet and today, my maid tried getting it out. Turns out, some sharp sand pierced in and there's a hole so bacteria went in and it's swollen. I can't walk properly so it's really irritating.

Anyways, after the party, we went to Grandlink? Hari was SUPPOSE to teach me how to play dota but he did try, but I couldn't understand because he just use the words, do this than like that than easy to play, you try. LOL! Than, when I asked him for help, he just looked at my screeen, told me stay and went back to his own game. In the end, I just stayed the safe zone and look at him play.

Probin was sweet enough to pay for me, cause I pratically didn't play at all. LOL.

Back home, 11 plus. Tired, shag and damn, I so wanted to bath! OH YEAH, I wore Karan's clothes! HAHA. His so kind! He went into the sea too, but still, yeah. Love you man! (: